Gospel and Gender
Douglas Campbell
Not Available
Visnuism and Sivaism
Jan Gonda
The Community of Religions
Wayne Teasdale
Freedom and Authority in Religions and Religious Education
Brian University of Cumbria and 1 more
When God Becomes Goddess
Richard Sacred Heart University and 1 more
Mormon Identities in Transition
Professor Douglas Durham University and 1 more
From Women's Experience to Feminist Theology
Linda Trinity College Dublin and 1 more
New Maps for Old
Mary Hobart and William Smith Colleges and 2 more
That They May be Many
Ann Kirkus Emmanuel College and 2 more
Religion and Sexuality
VicePrincipal Michael A Mary Immaculate College and 1 more
Bodies, Lives, Voices
Janette Jesuit Theological College and 1 more
Through the Earth Darkly
Jordan York University and 1 more
Mystical Union in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Professor Moshe University of Jerusalem and 1 more
Perspectives on New Religious Movements
John A University of Detroit Mercy and 1 more
An A-Z of Feminist Theology
Lisa University of Winchester and 1 more
Civilizing Sex
Patrick Riley
Making the Difference
Professor Elaine L University of Chester and 1 more
Hindu and Muslim Mysticism
R C Zaehner
The Encounter with the Divine in Mesopotamia and Israel
H W F Saggs
Beyond Tradition and Modernity
R J Werblowsky
The Privilege of Man
Bishop Kenneth Cragg
Religions of Ancient India
Louis Renou
Muhammad and Jesus
William E Phipps
Turning Points in Religious Studies
Ursula University of Bristol and 1 more
Calling Time
Rev Dr Martyn University of Oxford and 1 more
Creation, Christ and Culture
Richard W A McKinney
History and Contemporary Issues
Charles E Southern Methodist University and 1 more
Tales of Faith
V Y Duke University and 1 more
Christ and Context
Hilary ATF Press and 1 more
Science and Theology
Professor Murray University of Otago and 1 more
The Salt of the Earth
Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
Dr Carol Richard Stockton University of New Jersey and 1 more
Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet
Rita M Gross and 2 more